Priestess Calling : Costa Rica 2022
In March 2022, in Costa Rica, while sitting amongst pillows I had my most significant spiritual experience to date. The experience was startlingly clear, but the lead up and surrounding circumstances were what led me to fully trust in myself and my experience.
For the two years prior, like many, my life had changed but at the same time… it hadn’t. I was one of the few during the tumultuous years of the pandemic that didn’t have life upend on me. I retained my in-office job, my health, and friends and family were still geographically centralized in my life. Life felt like it was on pause when I experienced the most emotionally draining and busiest years of my professional career. When the opportunity for Costa Rica came to me, I knew I needed to go -- if nothing less than a week in the jungle with one of my soul sister best friends happened I would still be content. My body, mind and soul were fatigued when I arrived into the circle of women, and I asked for something that felt daring -- I asked to embody the energy of Aphrodite, because for the past two years working in a hypermasculine space and 25 years worth of romantic rejection, I didn’t feel beautiful. I gained so much more.
In the midst of a dynamic embodiment practice, I “felt enormous amounts of energy flood my body. It was perhaps the most intense reiki energy I’ve ever felt flood my body. It definitely felt channeled by Aphrodite, and a full integration into my body. My intention was to follow on Her guidance and allow for all the old energy to be released from me and allow for healing light to enter. I sat up in that practice fully aware that I was ready to claim my High Priestess-hood. I felt amazing to be aligned with Her and have no shadow of a doubt that I am Her hands and voice and vessel. I am fully aligned with Her intentions.”
The above was an excerpt from my personal journal when I recounted the event, and I think it truly reflects how deeply integrative that experience was for me as I allowed for old patterns of behavior to bleed from me for new life - a life of divinity and service - took root within me. This account is meant to inspire you, to look for the signs of divinity tapping on your shoulder. Your encounters do not need to look like or feel like mine to be valid, but I encourage you to start giving weight and reverence to the signs that come up within your life.