Introduction to Deity Worship

So I’m a Priestess of Aphrodite… What does that mean? 

Why Aphrodite? 

How was I initiated?

Do I maintain and go to a temple?

In short, it’s all you would expect and more as well as less. I conduct rituals, offer gifts and receive blessings and guidance, some are larger form rituals and some happen within an hour. It all depends on intention and reason, but the core motivation is veneration and worship and respect. Now how did I get here, form this connection and maintain the relationship I have.  

As I said in an earlier post, I started my Priestess-hood and path when I received the calling in Costa Rica in 2022. The work truly started before that trip, because I had background knowledge about my deity - Aphrodite - and I wanted to connect with her for the specific purpose of empowering myself to embrace my beauty and sensual nature. I had learned about a variety of different belief systems and knew about Aphrodite because of my Greek heritage. Her mythology was read alongside fairytales, but the power behind them felt deeper as I grew up and opened myself up to receive downloads and insights as an adult wanted to recapture my inner magic. 

But before the path starts, there should be research. I didn’t want to jump into this path before doing research from both a historical context and context of what it entails to be that deity’s priest(ess). What if that deity condoned animal sacrifice or crossed a boundary that I wasn’t comfortable with? I knew some background knowledge about Her from my childhood and cultural references, but I hadn’t gone into the details of what Priestesshood meant for Aphrodite and Her followers. Books and deeper mythology - past the childhood washed version - were how I knew in my bones that I resonated with Her message. Some of the books that were very helpful to me were easily accessible from Amazon and online forums. Some tips I have for venting books on research would be to look at the footnotes and sources cited. There are a lot of books that masquerade as research, but a topic that has been properly and thoroughly researched will share where the information came from. So when in doubt about what’s been described or told to you… look at those sources and see if they’re peer reviewed or reputably published. 

As far as temples and maintaining altars go… I do not have a physical temple I go to that's akin to a church, mosque or temple. Unfortunately I have yet to find a group of other people who align with my style and intention of worship. Until I find a group, my body is a temple for this work and I do maintain a physical altar for Her, but it’s private and not open to the public. Through my research I found an easy way of taking these rituals and making them individualized and workable solo. There are some that strictly require a group of individuals, with defined roles that can’t be overlapped, but for the most part I make it work as a solo practitioner. 

My initiation is something I’ve spoken about prior, but it’s a story I love to tell. My calling came to me in Costa Rica during a breathwork exercise, while I was sitting apart but surrounded by my sisters. I credit the energy of the room, the rising vibration of both myself and the other 15 women who contributed to me opening myself up to a level I hadn’t obtained before. Her words rang through my mind crystal clear; I was not just meant to tap into Aphrodite’s vibration, I was meant to do Her work and be Her hands and eyes. I was not only a worshiper, I was also the Priestess conducting the ritual work. This calling set me onto my path of research and inner discovery before I felt confident to say that I was Her priestess. In some groups, there are initiation ceremonies and celebrations of joining the group, but I am very happy with my solo initiation in Costa Rica, 7300 miles from Her ancient birthplace and temples in Cyprus. 


Introduction to Creating an Altar


Blending Philosophies: Tao Tantra, Greek Pantheon & Witchcraft