My View on Interconnectedness

If a tree fell in the forest, would you hear it?

Do you feel the breeze of a butterfly flapping its wings across the world?

What about removing a single grain from a mound of sand, does that change something amongst the many?

Some scholars and philosophers have been debating these questions for decades and centuries, but the core question is : do my actions have an effect on others? On the planet? Putting karma aside for a moment, I believe that it does. The Law of Action and Reaction as well as the Law of Attraction are fundamentals in my belief in the interconnectedness of all beings on this planet and how it expands past the barriers of the atmosphere and into the cosmos. 

When looking at the patterns in nature, that truth is illuminated to us even more. Trees weave their roots together in the forest to create an interwoven network to support the whole through shared resources. A herd of zebras on the savanna or flock of birds in the sky or school of fish also demonstrate the interconnected instinct of the benefits of being together. You’re stronger connected and in the group than on your own. Even in humans, the benefits of community are noticed. We thrive in a complex community and culture, but the effect I see from animals of their true connectedness isn’t easily observed in our species. If a zebra senses danger, its entire herd will flee alongside it. 

Our human interconnectedness exists but our ripple effect can affect our insular community as well as those around us and in some cases across the globe. In an age of technology and the internet making it possible to share information immediately, the world has never been smaller. One injustice across continents and seas can reach us in a moment. The interconnectedness of technology is an extension of the form nature provided us. I think that the man-made system is somewhat broken as it is a hugely overstimulating input in our lives, but in this age we will adapt to learn how to utilize technology in a health-ful helpful way. 


Weekly Rituals: December 19th to 26th


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