Higher Power’s Influence on Reincarnation

I follow the belief that we are an evolving collection of souls that through the concept of reincarnation we are cycling in and out of the earthly plane with the ultimate goal of getting closer to divine source. Source is a hard concept to wrap one’s brain around, but it is alike to God energy and Universal energy. Its base frequency is love, love that is far more potent than what we experience through family and friends. As we navigate our lives we naturally face challenges that have been divinely designed for us. We will face what’s deeply challenging with the reward of experiencing a greater degree of love and closeness than previously possible. 

The design of reincarnation is to evolve closer and closer to feel more of that source-love energy, and along the way we can experience those beings further along on the path. That’s where we can perceive deities -like Aphrodite whom I follow - and angels. I think that we are perceiving the same thing but with different religious lenses and cultural understanding. These higher beings are working for our benefit and we can welcome them into our mind’s eye. They are a part of the system, almost part-guardian and part-mentor that helps us towards our eventual goal of becoming like them and rejoining Source. 

If you’re looking for a more in-depth reading on this system, I highly recommend the book I previously mentioned in my Core Books post, Journey of the Souls. The book takes you along this thought narrative so logically with scientific evidence from Dr. Michael Newton’s work as a psychologist and hypnotherapist. I have received a lot of his deep wisdom and it’s a hugely transformative text that I recommend all read. Even if… especially if you think it doesn’t fully align with your religious belief system. 


Introduction to Tarot


Weekly Rituals: December 19th to 26th